Is your product information disorganized?

Try AtroPIM - a highly configurable Product Information Management (PIM) solution that stores
, enriches, and manages your product data in an automated centralized way. AtroPIM can be easily
integrated with any system through REST API, and has adaptable deployment options (cloud or on-premise),
and a mobile-friendly design and unbeatable customization. All of it makes AtroPIM ideal for
businesses in need of a flexible and cost-effective way to manage their product information
and boost productivity.

AtroPIM – a flexible, configurable, open-source PIM system

AtroPIM is a modern and configurable PIM System (Product Information Management System). As a one of the most flexible PIM software on the market it is an excellent fit for companies engaged in different industries, which need more than just a PIM and/or want to use it to implement very special requirements. AtroPIM helps you to improve the quality of your product information and keep it up to date, quickly syndicate product data to your relevant channels, increase your sales, deliver excellent product experience, and much more. Thanks to the API-First approach our software can be seamlessly integrated and be used as a headless PIM. AtroPIM is extendable with modules and can be easily adapted to your needs regardless, whether you are a manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, or any other business. AtroPIM is an open-source PIM software.

State-of-the-Art Product Information Management

We meet every conceivable requirement.


Single Source of Truth

Consolidate all product-related information in one solution, enrich it, and make it available internally and externally.


Omnichannel Product Data Management

Prepare the channel-specific product data for all your channels to implement an efficient and future-oriented omnichannel strategy.


Product Catalog Management

Work with multiple product catalogs – import product catalogs from your suppliers, create your own catalogs and export them.


Seamless Integrations

Synchronize your data with ERPs, Online Stores, PLMs, and other relevant systems to save time, reduces errors and improves productivity and efficiency.


Digital Asset Management

Work with all your digital assets of different types directly in PIM, link them with products, categories, channels, catalogs, and other entities.


Product Data Publishing

Create any kind of multi-page publications like flyers, brochures, catalogs directly in PIM or in Adobe InDesign, easily update your publications.


Self-Service Portals

Enable your suppliers, customers, partners, and other service providers to work with data directly in your system to save your time.


Product Data Syndication

Integrate PIM with any E-Commerce Platform or Marketplace and distribute channel-specific product data to them to increase your sales.

Product Overview

AtroPIM is more than just a feature-rich PIM software, it is built on AtroCore data platform, what enables to manage any kind of data and organize any business process. You can use additional modules to extend the core functionality and support your growth. Even without paid modules our software is good enough for successful product data management for a small company.


AtroCore is a data platform, on which AtroPIM is built on, it is free for unlimited data records and users.

  • Configurable data model
  • Configurable user interfaces
  • Configurable dashboards
  • Fine-grained access management
  • Over 20 data types
  • Hierarchies and data inheritance
  • Advanced storable filters
  • Bulk editing of data records and relations
  • Multilingualism
  • Change and action history
  • Scheduled background jobs
  • System and e-mail notifications
  • Measure units and automatic conversions
  • Management of accounts and contacts
  • Tools for teamwork and collaboration
  • Mobile-friendly User Interfaces


AtroPIM is free for unlimited data records and users. It extends the functionality of AtroCore data platform with features for Product Information Management.

  • Product Management
  • Hierarchical product variants
  • Hierarchical product property management
  • Brand management
  • Multiple category trees
  • Multiple product catalogs
  • Multiple currencies
  • Product classifications
  • Product live-cycle management
  • Full-fledged multi-channel support
  • Bilateral product associations (upsell, cross-sell, etc.)
  • Multiple category trees
  • Custom text blocks

Additional modules

AtroCore/AtroPIM can be extended with additional free or paid modules for advanced functionality in data management, quality control, data sync automations, workflow automations, creation of PDF documents etc.

  • AtroDAM - free
  • Import Feeds – free
  • Export Feeds – free
  • Advanced Data Types
  • Import Feeds: HTTP Request
  • Export Feeds: HTTP Request
  • Completeness
  • Pricing
  • Advanced Classifications
  • Translations
  • PDF Generator
  • Azure AD SSO
  • Workflows
  • Connector
  • and other ...

Feature Highlights

AtroPIM gives you incredible flexibility in configuration to fit your individual business needs in the best possible way, without any programming and compromises.

  • Endless configuration flexibility to ideally meet your needs to manage any data.

  • Advanced import and export functionality to handle any data structures, get detailed logs.

  • Bulk edit everything to save time for more important tasks.

  • Manage channels and channel-specific data to efficiently support your Omnichannel Strategy.

  • Create PDF documents – fully automatically or with help of Adobe InDesign.

  • Organize teamwork and collaboration with the help of multiple dashboards, assignments, mentions etc.

  • Product hierarchies and data inheritance, even for your custom entities.

  • Manage any data relations – bilateral or multilateral, not only for products.

  • Store custom relation properties, e.g. category-specific descriptions etc.

  • Manage roles and permissions for all your entities, even on the field/attribute level.

  • Seamless data sync via Databases, Files and APIs – sync product data, customer data, order data, etc.

Why many businesses choose AtroPIM?

AtroPIM brings much more businesses benefits than just a high-quality data management and makes you really happy!

  • Incredible flexibility” – AtroPIM can cover all business processes directly or indirectly related to your product data, the way you want it. Change your processes anytime – AtroPIM will adapts.

  • Better collaboration” – manage all your data in one single place and enable your employees to easily collaborate on it.

  • Better control” – gain many opportunities to control and influence the data quality and the processes associated with it.

  • High-quality results” – implement custom quality assurance processes, add more details to your product data and unify it, quickly distribute and update your data across all relevant channels.

  • Faster time-to market” – prepare and distribute, improve and update your product data faster and with fewer errors.

  • Sales increase” – create high-quality marketing-relevant product information to support your omnichannel strategy, better engage with potential customers and increase your sales.

  • Cost savings” – save significant time and money on product data preparing, enriching, publishing, and distributing thanks to rich functionality, workflow automation and seamless integrations with other systems, websites and marketplaces.

  • Excellent price-performance ratio” – you get a lot for what you spend!

Some of our customers

Our software is used in more than 30 countries worldwide.

Some of our customers

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Latest Publications

Keep Folders Intact

Changes made in your files and folders within PIM system will be automatically updated on the server, and the folders' structure is preserved.

System Enhancements and New Features

Now you can easily generate accurate PDFs, add custom scripts to the interface, delete outdated data, and better organize product components.

Email System Upgrade

AtroPIM users can now disable email sending directly from the settings page